MSP Corporation
M agnesium S aves our planet
A company aiming for a magnesium recycling society
Future Vision
Save the Earth
Nowadays typhoon is growing it's size and there frequently occurred anomalous atmospheric phenomena. of terrestrial environment owing to CO2 emission. The difference of vaporization between tropical area and northern area leads to the difference of salinity which drives global ocean circulation._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ There is a movie in which the global warming reduces such salinity difference and finally stops the global circulation and entire American continents are frozen. This is not science fiction but has solid scientific basis. Some body, who insists there is no global warming but is cooling, may not understand the real picture of Earth which stands w ith delicate balance.
We are obliged to pass over this Earth to our descendants as it is. We must show how to recover the Earth as soon as possible. We must show how to recover the Earth as soon as possible.
Magnesium is the Material that the Earth Favors
There exist 1.8 quadrillion magnesium in the ocean 136bad5cf58d_ All the life forms were born there and will not live without magnesium. It is well known that the shortage of magnesium leads to various diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and so on._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ MgO is the medicine for stomach and Mg (OH) 2 has some effect on improving water quality.
_cc781905-5cde resources should be environment-friendly. We show here that magnesium is the best candidate for renewable energy sources