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MSP Corporation
M agnesium S aves our planet
A company aiming for a magnesium recycling society
Experiment in Taizou, China
December 10, 2019
Portable device capable of 1 Litter / hour carried from Japan .
Polluted (Left) to Pure Water (Right)
Improve Existing Facility
Ordinary desalination plant like RO (Reverse Osmosis) exhausts high-salinity and polluted sea water back to ocean.
In order to solve this problem, we propose to use our desalination device. This plan is named "Remora Strategy". In RO, 3 seawater input is converted to 1 pure In addition, production of pure water increased by 3 times. Out device should convert this exhaust to pure water, solving pollution problem. In addition, production of pure water increased by 3 times.
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