MSP Corporation
Magnesium Saves our Planet
Magnesium Sustainable Power
Desalination device without high salinity discharge
The population is expected to reach 9.73 billion by 2050, which will require 2.2 trillion tons of new water per year. Current equipment such as reverse osmosis desalination systems are forced to release seawater with high salinity, causing serious environmental damage in the surrounding waters.
We patented a device that produces only pure water and recovers substances contained in seawater as solids, and succeeded in manufacturing a testing machine. The device operates at low temperatures below the boiling point, works with solar water heaters and various waste heats, and is an environmentally friendly device.
Four Major Technologies of Yabe Desalination
1. Evaporation at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
2. No Membrane used
3. Ultra-multistage in one stage container
4. Reuse latent heat
Evaporation at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure

Ultra-multistage in one stage container

Reuse latent heat

Since a part of seawater is evaporated to pure water during this cycle, the same amount of new cold seawater should be introduced to the system, If the temperature of seawater is 20 degree centigrade, it must be raised to 40 degree but required energy is 4.2x20 J/g while latent heat of evaporation is 2400 J/g. Then required energy of this system will be 1/30 of latent heat. Then this system works economically with solar heating etc.
Less Energy Consumption than MVR
(Mechanical Vapor Recompression)

Prototype device - Salt removed completely

How to construct large system

YouTube Video

2019 年 12 月 10 日

从日本运来的便携式设备,容量为 1 升/小时。


为了解决这个问题,we 建议使用我们的海水淡化装置。这个方案是named“Remora Strategy”。在RO中,3个海水输入转化为1个纯此外,纯水的产量增加了3倍,输出装置将废气转化为纯水,解决了污染问题。此外,纯水的产量增加了3倍。